Fundamental Deist

Fundamental Deist offers a unique approach to spirituality for those seeking a religion they can fully accept. We provide a foundation based on knowledge, fact, reason, and logic, allowing individuals to explore their beliefs in a rational and meaningful way.

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Knowledge as the Foundation

We believe in the power of knowledge to guide our spiritual journey. Through learning and understanding, we can find meaning and purpose in life.

Embracing Facts and Evidence

Our ideology is rooted in facts and evidence. We value critical thinking and rely on scientific knowledge to shape our beliefs.

Reason and Logic as Guides

Reason and logic are our compass in navigating the complexities of life. We seek rational explanations and logical solutions to the questions that arise.

Fundamental Deist Core Principles

The Core Principles are presented in a loose order where one principle's description and context leads to the next. For a more detailed explanation, click the [Elaborate] button adjacent to each principle section.

Nobody Knows if God Exists, Let Alone His Will

Not even us. What that means is that any religion could be completely right in their interpretation of God’s will… or completely wrong. It’s impossible for anyone to prove one way or another. Those that tell you otherwise want to control you, want your money, or both. Organized Religion evolved from people’s fear of death and their willingness to believe in an afterlife and has capitalized on that for centuries--so, virtually impossible to tell which.

Facts, truth... these are undisputable things. Perfectly fine to "believe" but we must accept that no matter how strongly we believe, we can’t manufacture truth or facts from a belief.

There is a Creator...

13 1/2 billion years ago there was no universe. 4 1/2 billion years ago there was no Earth. 3.7 billion years ago there was no life on Earth. 5-7 million years ago there was nobody walking on two legs. Modern humans, Homo Sapiens, didn’t exist 130,000 years ago but they do now. Obviously, these were all “created”.

Is the creator a supreme being with supernatural powers, a committee of gods, an accidental event? Nobody truly knows and nobody can prove differently. And if you're looking for cause and effect to prove there is a God, (1) cause and effect doesn't always exist at the quantum level and (2) the cause could be a random quantum fluctuation that stopped inflation. Perhaps a better question is, what did the creator actually create?

The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature

Shortly after the big-bang, protons and neutrons began to fill the universe with hydrogen. Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force, and Weak Nuclear Force are the only things necessary to create the universe and everything in it. Put these into a primordial soup, the Universe evolved from these simple forces.

The creation process is chaotic… not chaos as in complete disorder and confusion, but as in the branch of mathematics -- often recognized as the “butterfly effect”, underlying patterns in complex systems, nonlinear events that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like fluid-dynamics, turbulence, weather, formation of planets, life, etc.

This is the “Fundamental” in Fundamental Deist.

There is no Personal Relationship with the Creator

What has been described so far means that there is no personal God that listens to prayers, helps you win wars, pass tests, or score on your rival in a football game.

Since the beginning, setting the four forces into motion, and watching them create the unimaginable size of the universe, most likely the Creator is completely unaware of our existence.

Probably No Life After Death

As much as we’d like there to be, the probability of any continuation of consciousness is quite low. However, if you really think about it, it’s only an issue for the living. Without consciousness, personally there is no pain, no remorse, no regret, no sadness, no longing, no despair, no wishing there was something you could do.

You will not feel bad, not miss anyone, not wish it could be different... just gone. If you really let yourself think about it, it's not all bad.

Life is Precious

This life we enjoy now may be the only opportunity to ever experience anything like it again. We should treat it that way, enjoy it, embrace it, and make sure we don’t negatively impact another’s life in the process.

People who disregard others, do harm, need to be dealt with quickly and strongly. There is no, “They’ll get that they deserve in the afterlife” so they should pay in this one.

Fundamental Deism Will Continually Evolve

For our ideas to remain relevant, they must change and evolve as more information becomes available.

We will never know the truth or real purpose