The Creator

We Are Obviously Here, How Did That Happen Without God?


There is a Creator (pronouns: it/it)

Thirteen and a half billion years ago there was no universe. Four and a half billion years ago there was no Earth. Less than four billion years ago there was no life on Earth. Five to seven million years ago there was nobody walking on two legs. Modern humans, Homo Sapiens, didn’t exist 130,000 years ago but they do now. These were all “created”, there is a Creator.

Now the Kalam cosmological argument asserts that whatever begins to exist has a cause. The Universe began to exist and therefore the Universe has a cause to its existence. So, the cause must be God.

Nope... Could have been two objects touching that shouldn't have. Could have been some cosmological accident. Could have been something entirely different. For example, if the Universe’s inflationary state arose from a pre-existing state, then is the state that gave rise to inflation God? What if there is a random quantum fluctuation that caused inflation to end and the Big Bang that created the Universe to begin, is that random process God?

You cannot posit an unprovable assertion like the Kalam argument -- or because the complexity of life proves God -- or because the Bible tells you so -- and then claim you have “proved” the existence of something by deductive reasoning. If you cannot prove the premise, all logical reasoning predicated upon that premise is unsubstantiated (more).

So, what then was the creator: God, supreme beings, a factory, an accidental event? Like most rhetorical questions we tend to ask, nobody knows. Since we don't think that will ever be answered, perhaps a more interesting question is, what did the Creator create? Did the Creator sit down and build the universe, galaxies, planets, animals? Did the creator just decide one day to create a man out of clay? We don't think so.


This website will barely touch the surface of certain complex subjects; Cosmology, Physiology, Physics, Quantum Mechanics that even today's scientists don't completely understand. Our intent is to present an overview of the relevant aspects of these topics and then provide suggested search topics so you can explore them to your level of interest and satisfaction.